Thursday, November 17, 2011

QR codes

Agents or staff needing to whip up a quick QR code can use this generator.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Password Management

KeePass is a program you can use for free to help keep track of all of the miscellaneous user accounts and passwords you need to use to access the various websites needed to survive in this day and age. It creates an encrypted file that you can sign with a single password or password and key file which are required to open the database. This makes it so you only really have to remember ONE password and can feel safe knowing your others are just a few clicks away.

Here's a tutorial on using the program.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Agents, some of you are probably already aware but the iPad/iPhone/Android and possibly Blackberry, haven't tested yet, web interface to MLXchange is available to members now. is the address.

** VERY IMPORTANT: When you enter your User ID & Password any letters must be in UPPERCASE. Numbers of course don't have a case so they don't matter.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Updated Search Page

Agents, I've added a search field to the property search area of so people can now search by street number separate from the street name. to see the new field

Friday, September 30, 2011


I've added a new dns host record for accessing the webmail system at rackspace.
The new location is simply
This should look a bit more streamlined and be much easier to remember.

Address Book Updates

Agents & Staff, I recently cleaned up all of the address books for scanning documents to your email. One of the side effects was a change in the way the names were sorted. Before since there was no first name information loaded it defaulted to last name sorting but created confusion with the ambiguous last name stacking. Now with both names loaded the default means is for the address books to sort by first name.